Adapting To The New Reality Of Life Under Lockdow
Homemade Mango Chutney Virtual
A Space Arts, Southampton
29th of May - 29th of July
“Social interconnectedness offers human beings a sense of identity and a way to deal with
our everyday emotions. The lockdown is a time of great anxiety and uncertainty. We feel the world has changed. Many people are stuck inside their homes and not able to visit other places. Everyday routines are boring and it seems pointless to even do ordinary tasks at home.
In Adapting To The New Reality Of Life Under Lockdown I want to make familiar things unfamiliar, to remove normal everyday life experiences, from familiar associations, to turn it over and to displace it. I would like to give an everyday domestic experience a new meaning, in order to change the way we perceive the things around us.”
Adapting to the New Reality of Life After Lockdown
Commissioned by Platform Art Projects
April 2021